The Road Ahead Family Services operates a Treatment Foster Family Agency that is specially licensed to not only find safe, loving homes for abused, abandoned and neglected children, but also to provide children with the therapeutic and other support services they need to heal. The Road Ahead Family Services provides comprehensive bilingual/bicultural services to children 0-17 in out-of-home care. We are committed to providing culturally sensitive services to bicultural, bilingual youths, sexually abused children, neglected and abused children, and LGBTQ youth. Services include but are not limited, short-term/ long-term placement in supportive, well-trained homes, initial assessments of children's needs, mental health services, behavioral planning support, school success, reunification with biological family support and independent living skills for adolescence. The aforementioned services are provided by professional, bicultural, bilingual staff of licensed and license eligible therapist, case managers, social workers, manager and executive staff.
Children placed in one of the agency’s Treatment Foster Homes, which are located throughout the San Fernando Valley, Santa Clarita and Antelope Valley, receive specialized care tailored to meet their individual needs. These services, which are available to boys and girls, from infancy to age 18, include: counseling, monitored visits, psychiatric services, and emancipation assistance.
Another unique aspect of the Treatment Foster Program is the availability of social workers 24 hours a day. This high level of commitment is also reflected in the comprehensive screening process that all prospective Treatment Foster Parents must complete. In addition to earning state-issued foster-family certification, which requires a minimum of 24 hours of training, Treatment Foster Parents also must successfully complete a criminal record background check. The agency further requires that all foster families be trained in infant/child/adult CPR and first aid. Foster parents complete annual training to ensure ongoing preparation to face the challenges caring for children with trauma may bring.
At The Road Ahead Family Services, Treatment Foster Family Agency children always come first. Safe, loving foster homes are a must, as are comprehensive services designed to address individual needs. Emphasis is also placed on encouraging and facilitating ongoing contact with birth or adoptive parents, as well as relatives. And, whenever possible, concerted effort is made to achieve family reunification. Foster care social workers and or foster parents are available to monitor visits when needed. On staff therapist are available when court orders require monitored visits in a therapeutic environment. Additional services such as Mommy/Daddy and Me groups and The Apple and The Tree parent/teen group are available to promote relationship building between biological/adoptive parents and placed children in a monitored, therapeutic environment.