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Adult Services

Individual/ Couples/ Family Therapy

RAFS will provide counseling services to families via face-to-face contact to: Help identify and assist in solving family problems; Help identify and assist in day to day functioning  Identify substance abuse issues and refer for treatment; Address and refer to treatment for domestic violence and/or anger management related issues; Help identify personal, vocational, and educational goals. Counseling services may be provided in the office, off-site, or in the home.  In home teaching and demonstrating is included in this service.

Case Management

Case Management/Linkage Services/Referrals: RAFS’s Case Management Services will consist of: Intake and assessment of the client/family needs, Development of the case plan; identify client therapeutic needs; Identify client basis needs; Referrals and linkages for services identified in the case plan using Linkage Form; Follow-up; Assess client progress and success of the case plan; Evaluation of case plan progress; Document continuous improvement of families circumstances.

Anger Management Series

“Hit The Road Anger”, Anger Management Group:


This group is designed to help parents gain self-awareness of the impact of anger issues in their homes, families and communities. This is a strength-based program to help clients identify the root of their anger and uncover coping techniques that have been effective in the past for the client. The group explores new techniques for problem solving, conflict resolution, healthy assertiveness, and increased self-esteem. This group uses a CBT model; assigns homework and reading (which can be completed with one-on-one help of a counselor for clients that are struggling in their understanding of the material); and role-playing.

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Victim of Domestic Violence Series

“Enough!”, Victim of Domestic Violence Group (Tier I):


Our VOC groups is a group focusing on psycho-education, building self-awareness, assertiveness training, conflict resolution and ultimately increasing self-esteem! This is an intense curriculum of group therapy offered in English and in Spanish!

"Conflict Resolution", Victim of Domestic Violence Group (Tier II):

This is an intense curriculum of group therapy offered in English and in Spanish! The goal of this 16 week group is to promote awarenss of communication styles and plan stratagies for conflict resolution.

"Assertiveness and Self-Esteem", Victim of Domestic Violence Group (Tier III):

This 16 week course is for clients that have completed Tier I and II with us or similar programs at other agencies. These sessions explore the dynamics of each individuals belief system about themselves and their relationship to others. This is an intense curriculum of group therapy offered in English and in Spanish!

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Trauma Informed Parenting Series

“Parenting T.I.P.”, Trauma-Informed Parenting Group (Tier I):


With an adapted curriculum from The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (used to train ITFC foster parents), RAFS provides psycho-education/ group therapy to parents. We consider this our Tier I group as it provides parents the most crucial information regarding the impact of trauma on their child’s development. In this group, we explore the parent’s perception of trauma, reframe the parent’s understanding of how past actions have impacted the child, review behavioral expectations of children with trauma histories, and help parents develop a parenting plan to help the child through the traumatic event. This program works on the model that each parent has a unique relationship to their child/ren and that each of their circumstances is different.  Parents work on the “My Child” workbook throughout the 16 weeks, which ties psycho-education material and group discussions with their unique child, thereby enhancing the meaningfulness of the group for the parent. This group is provided in English and in Spanish.

Sexual Abuse Awareness Series

“Un-Hush”, Sexual Abuse Awareness Group:


This is a 16-week group for parents that have had a child that has been sexually abused. This group is only offered to non-offending parents and/or caregivers. Learning objectives of this group include: acknowledge their own experiences as valuable resources; recognize that listening to a child describe his/her sexual abuse may be shocking and upsetting for the parent; maintain composure when faced with shocking information and terms; recognize that children of different cultures may use different words to describe their victimization; understand how to discuss sexual abuse issues with children; know the facts and statistics related to child sexual abuse; know why it is important to talk with children about sexual abuse; acknowledge that a child from a different culture may be carrying additional guilt due to his/her cultural values about sexuality; understand the impact of sexual abuse on a child’s trust; recognize that sexual abuse is not forgotten by the child; understand coping mechanisms used by sexual abuse survivors and the effects of coping mechanisms; understand the possible long-term effects of sexual abuse; recognize the importance of communicating honestly with the child; recognize the need for family rules; endorse the need of regularly scheduled family meetings; list common family rules used with a sexually abused child; understand information that needs to be shared with the child when he/she discloses sexual abuse; and more.


It has been our experience that many parents that have children that have been sexually abused also have their own sexual abuse history. This group is a forum for parents to also have a corrective experience and understand how their trauma histories have impacted their lives.

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10200 Sepulveda Blvd. #145
Mission Hills, CA 91345
818-745-2515 Office
818-691-2377 Fax
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(C) 2016 The Road Ahead Family Services

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